Essential TV

Seeking $3 Million for Media Venture Essential TV

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Essential Network is a new mass media company that produces educational, high-quality, and entertaining podcasts. Essential is fast-paced, uncensored, fact-based, unafraid, and open to new horizons.

Trust in the media is at an all time low. Mainstream media is declining in popularity and such media outlets are laying off employees. Declining trust has made it more difficult for people to get accurate and unbiased information about important issues. 

Nations are divided on which approach to political issues is the right approach.

A new cold war has broken out between communist and anti-communist forces.

Russia and Ukraine are at war.

There’s turmoil in the Middle East. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is far from over.

People are suffering, starving, dying, and trying to make ends meet.

Winters are getting colder, summers are getting warmer, and natural disasters are increasing.

Inflation rates and prices for everything from food to gasoline have hit all-time highs.

There’s an illegal immigration crisis that’s out of control.

Party elites, insiders, lobbyists, corporate donors, financiers, Big Pharma, and the defense industry dominate politics, shutting out the interests of the many.

The money we spend on global military dominance has slapped our infrastructure, economy, and middle classes in the face.

Civil liberties are under attack.

Politicians and influencers have gotten away with spreading falsehoods without being held accountable. And don’t get us started on their hypocrisy. Politics can and should be different and free of tribalism.

People are questioning whether elections are even free, fair and legitimate anymore.

If you want to speak truth in today’s world, or express a dissenting opinion, you can face cancellation.

Social media companies are deliberately limiting access to news articles, not being transparent with the public and de-platforming anyone that they do not approve of.

Artificial intelligence is changing our world for the better and for the worse. If used improperly, the consequences unleashed by AI could be difficult to undo.

Certain so-called kids’ TV channels and public schools are using what used to be safe, clean, and family-friendly environments to spread alternative ideologies, languages, lifestyles and gender lifestyles to our children. And anyone who doesn't share their sometimes bizarre and divisive views of the world gets labeled a bigot, intolerant, homophobe, transphobe and worse.

There's a deep sense of alienation and frustration and even anger, particularly among America's parents, in what they're feeling at the state of our nation and world. They’re concerned about what future generations will deal with. 

We live in a climate of chaos and confusion that makes it difficult for people to know what is right.

There is hope, though. In the darkest nights, the smallest light shines bright. 

That light is… Essential Network
There’s a reason why the name “Essential” was chosen. The road of life takes many turns. Life and the world are like boxes of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. No matter what major events happen, for the better and for the worse, Essential will remain an essential business. Always.

Essential Network is the voice of ordinary people that are just trying to make ends meet and building better lives for themselves and their families, regardless of where they’re from, what they want to be, or what they identify as.
We will be a media company that is committed to the truth, even if the powerful can't handle the truth. We are sincere. We are civil. We are compassionate. We are friendly. We are resolute in our mission. We are resilient. We are educational. We report with you, the viewer, in mind. And we are open for new horizons.

We will provide a fountain of reliable information to vulnerable people in countries where people don’t have access to accurate information. We will point out media bias. We will call out falsehoods. And we will create solutions to what ails our modern media.
There is a large audience out there for programming that aspires to provide positive role models in a way that really enhances people's lives and that touches viewers in a more meaningful way. We will be a company that positively entertains.

Essential is an outlet that will drive America’s and the world’s conversations about news, sports, politics, entertainment, and so much more with the latest news and common sense punditry. Essential will be the antidote to mainstream, corporate media outlets that often serve partisan, political and corporate agendas masquerading as straight news and cater to only elite, secular, and left-leaning and right-leaning individuals instead of the average person. 

With your remote control, your computer, and your smartphone, you can make a difference by watching and learning from our programming. When they flood the zone with falsehoods, noise, media bias, cancel culture, censorship, insults, and divisive rhetoric, we will flood the zone with the opposite of all of that.

Common sense and real journalism left media, America, and the world a long time ago. We’re bringing them back, one episode, one view, one like, one subscriber, one donation at a time. We are Essential Network. Fast-paced, uncensored, fact-based, unafraid, and open for new horizons.

Essential's fanbase consists of classical liberals, moderates, right-of-center individuals, social conservatives, science skeptics, opponents of illegal immigration, critics of media bias, critics of the mainstream media, high school students, college students, supporters of Ukraine, supporters of Israel, people living in rural areas, and nuclear families.

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